Charlie MOss with border.pngThe journey so far

I joined St John as a Cadet when I was ten years old and worked my way up to Youth Leader, when I became an adult. I spent time developing my leadership (and clinical) skills and growing in my role.

This taught me how to interact and engage with young people and parents, a skill that I often use now as a Student Paramedic at the University of the West of England whilst on placements. 

My career as a Student Paramedic

Being able to demonstrate communication, leadership, and organisational skills are key parts of being a successful healthcare student applicant. I spoke in-depth about my experiences and skills that I've developed from being a Youth Leader in all my university interviews. 

But more importantly, volunteering allowed me to see my true potential. St John gives you a chance to discover your true abilities, and that confidence is built from helping to develop young people and your peers, to working on projects, and creating change.

I carry that confidence in my back pocket everywhere I go, into every aspect of my life. 

My interactions as a Student Paramedic are centred on having good communication and inter-personal skills. It's what matters most when treating patients, talking to relatives, and liaising with clinicians. Being a Youth Team volunteer has given me the ability to develop and refine those skills. 

Volunteering with St John teaches you to do the basics brilliantly.

The nature of St John Ambulance means there are other volunteers who are students in health careers, paramedics, educationalist in pre-hospital care and leaders within the ambulance service & health sector. Having the access to that network of people who are hugely experienced in the career that I'm studying for has helped me significantly during my degree. 

To anyone thinking of joining the Youth Team

Just do it! It’s an opportunity to help young people blossom into young adults, leaders, and the future of our health service, whilst simultaneously developing your own skills.

There's lots of very dedicated and talented people in our Youth Team at St John who all can help you grow as a person, volunteer, and leader. You'll gain new skills, opportunities and friends.


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