Community Badger

Community Badger explores what is meant by 'community' and encourages Badgers and the sett to become involved in their community.

It allows Badgers to see that as individuals they are part of many communities and that society is made up of a web of communities. Badgers meet some of the people who serve their community, as well as how they and the Sett are part of a community by undertaking a community action project.

This subject aims to encourage Badgers to:

  • understand that a community can be about shared beliefs, hobbies, interests, values or cultures
  • know that a community is also about where a person lives
  • realise that an individual can belong to many communities
  • see that within their local area there are a number of communities
  • find out that different communities in an area often work together
  • know that within communities there are leaders who make a difference to people’s lives
  • meet an important person from their community
  • visit a building important to a community in their area
  • find out about part of their local community
  • be active in their community
  • understand what it is to be a good neighbour
  • plan and carry out a community project to help others
  • enjoy being a responsible member of their community.

Community Badger