St John is committed to sustainable development to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We aspire to continuously improve our sustainability through an ongoing programme to reduce or remove environmentally damaging activities and encourage activities that, where possible, improve or conserve the environment. We will protect human health and the environment within our operations, buildings, management of our people, and relationships with external organisations and associates.
What we are doing
How we are going to achieve Net Zero by 2040
Investing in cleaner vehicles
Thanks to the Medlock Charitable Trust, and other generous donors, we are purchasing more efficient emergency vehicles over the next three years.
By disposing of our old diesel vehicles and replacing them with greener alternatives, we actively contribute to reducing air pollution and carbon emissions.
With our fleet already reducing by 31% this past year, we are making significant progress towards a more sustainable future. These greener emergency vehicles align with our commitment to environmental stewardship, ensuring that our operations prioritise the health of the planet while providing vital emergency services.
Meeting monthly
The Environmental and Sustainability Steering Group was established in 2021 under the guidance of the charity's Operational Support Director, Mark Squires. This group is made up of volunteers and employees, convening monthly to discuss ongoing initiatives and generate new ideas. Together, they work towards reducing the organisation's environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.
The group plays a crucial role in steering the organisation towards a greener future, encouraging innovative thinking, and promoting environmental stewardship across all aspects of its operations.
Cycling to work
Our Cycle Responder team are highly trained first aiders, who are deployed at events and in support of the NHS.
Cycling is an eco-friendly means of travel that reduces carbon emissions and air pollution. By opting for bicycles instead of motorised vehicles, our Cycle Responders contribute to the improvement of air quality and the preservation of our environment.
In partnership with Cycle Solutions, we also offer our volunteers and staff the Cycle to Work Scheme, which encourages them to choose cycling as their primary mode of commuting.