Eco Badger

Becoming an Eco Badger involves understanding weather, pollution, nature and the environment.

It allows Badgers to see that as individuals they are part of many communities and that society is made up of a web of communities. Badgers meet some of the people who serve their community, as well as how they and the Sett are part of a community by undertaking a community action project.

This subject aims to encourage Badgers to:

  • understand the global issues affecting environmental damage
  • explore one of four events focusing on an aspect of caring for the environment
  • look at climate change and its impacts
  • understand what is meant by pollution
  • discover how energy is generated
  • do more to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ materials
  • observe the weather
  • learn about the main threats to wildlife
  • become active in saving and enjoying local nature.

Eco Badger